This is homeschool…

My mom & I have this understanding that everything is homeschool.  Every experience, activity, outing or discussion provides an opportunity for learning.  So, sometimes when she asks what we’ve been doing, I’ll go down this list and add on “but you know, it’s all homeschool.”  She has my little man for school once a week, so she often says the same to me.  Anyway, this is homeschool today. 


A little review

So, I never did post about our pre-Kindergarten review.  Here it is – albeit really late.  We made a homeschool photo journal with C’s favorite activities.  I categorized the photos as Sensory, Art, Pretend Play, Outdoor Activities, Cooking, Reading, Games and Field Trips.  C provided captions for each of the photos.  I learned a lot about what inspires C to learn.  Many of his favorite activities weren’t the things that I had planned.  They were opportunities for learning that just presented themselves spontaneously.

Favorite Sensory Activity: Playing with Moon Dough

Favorite Art Project: Making animals with playdough

Favorite Pretend Play Activity: Playing pirates & playing snow ball fight

Fave Outdoor Activity: burying Piglet in the sandbox, flying a kite

Fave Cooking Project: Making the O Monster (Rice Krispy treats with Cheerios & orange marshmallows)

Fave Book: Hug me by Simona Ciraolo

Fave Game: Halloween Countdown & Color matching game with The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers

Fave Field Trip:  Kidding Around Yoga with Bella

Based on his choices, I decided that kindergarten would involve a lot more active learning.  C has never been interested in worksheets.  After this review, I decided that we would not go the way of the worksheet.  We started a neighborhood co-op, joined weekly P.E. classes and attend field trips at least once a week.

So far, kindergarten has been great!  My approach has been a little more structured than last year but still play-based.  More on that later.